Fixed Rate Loan Monthly Repayment Calculator
If you want to build a house or start up your own business, then you may need to take a loan to get things started. When people decide to take loans for whatever reason, they often choose the loan option that works best for them. There are two types of loan: the fixed-rate loan and the variable rate … Read more
Calculated Fields Form Send Email
This post is about how to send an email with Calculated Fields Form. The mail sending function is available only in the premium version of the plugin which you can download here. The calculated fields form plugin allow you yo send the details of a users input any email of yours that you choose. You … Read more
Calculated Fields Form Onclick Event
This post is about codepeople’s Calculated Fields Form onclick event. Onclick events are meant to be added to buttons in calculated field forms to carry out a particular function. Some of the functions you can carry out with the onclick events include: Create a calculate button Create a submit button Create a next button Create … Read more
Calculated Fields Form: The Best WordPress Calculator Plugin
Calculated Fields Form is the best WordPress calculator plugin based on several factors. I will share my reasons with you in this post and at the end of it you will as well let me know if you agree with me or not. First, I will like to clearly state that every information or opinion … Read more
Calculated Fields Form Submit Button
This post is about how to create a calculated fields form submit button. Calculated Fields Form can receive user inputs which can later be accessed on the back end of the website. The free version of the plugin does not allow you to receive users input, only the professional version and other higher versions have … Read more